Yep- I’ve resurfaced with a new home. Why, you may wonder, well I just was not feeling the whole MySpace thing anymore. Seriously I next to never get on it. I’ve turned into a Facebook junkie. And since Facebook does not have really a “blog” feature, I figured I’d be just as happy over here. Plus my new laptop came with a program just for blogging! How nifty noodle is that? It shows me what my finished blog will look like AS I type it! What more could a gal ask for? (Ok besides diamonds and cash!) For a while I’ll probably keep my MySpace pals notified of when I post a new blog, but I am sure that’ll get old after a while.
Maybe here I’ll gain a whole new audience. Nothing to make you start blogging again on a regular basis than a bunch of fresh faces & new opinions!
So for those that have followed me on MySpace for quite a while, here’s what has been going on lately……
Phil & I are still not back together, BUT I am ok with that. How in the hell am I ok with that you ask? Well because for one, I know good things come to those who wait, and two I have a feeling it wont be that much longer and we will be back together. Things are really going well in our house. We get a long GREAT these days. I will admit, I still have my days where I’m sad that we aren’t together or where I am really being an impatient brat, but I think I’m entitled. I’ve had so many people tell me that I am such a stronger person than they are for “putting up with this”. Well for one, I’m not “putting up” with anything. I’m standing by while my husband “heals” himself. Some of you just don’t know how 19 kinds of wrong I was to him in the past. And for two, I’m not stronger than any other person. I just know, what Phil & I have is true love, the kind worth fighting for, the kind worth going the distance and doing WHATEVER it takes to make shit work. He is the man I want to grow old with. I don’t see how fighting for what I want and what I love makes me any stronger than the next person- or maybe I’m just being too modest, who knows. I just now that now I am not the emo wreck I was back in January. (Ok, so I am sure the Thyroid meds helped a little on that part, but still I am handling shit A LOT better than before!)
Speaking of my thyroid. Back in March I went to the ER, and they put me on thyroid meds! YAY! Since March I have lost roughly 25lbs, had three periods, and I just feel better in general!! What a difference a little daily pill makes. Of course now I’m out of meds so I am paranoid the weight is going to creep back on, but in two weeks I am going to a DOCTOR, one that is in practice especially for people that do not have insurance and can not afford jumbo sized office visits! WOOHOO! Yeah I know, I get excited about the smallest shit. Ok so maybe having my thyroid treated on a regular basis isn’t so small, but still, it excites me anyhow!!!
Phil & the band are doing great. They’ve had a few awesome shows since my last blog. As a matter of fact they have one coming up this weekend at Clicks in Tyler. They’re headlining of course and it’s going to be a kick ass show.
The kiddos are growing like weeds. It’s almost the end of the school year for them both. (tear!) My little man will be moving into the 1st grade and my big girl will be saying good-bye to elementary school and hello intermediate school! We just had field day this past Friday. They had a blast. Poor Kiara got a little sunburned, but jeebus she looked cute in her shirt I reconstructed for her!!
Anyhow, I guess this is enough of a blog for today. Maybe I’ll be back tomorrow with some more of what in the world have I been up to!
Catch ya’ll on the flipside!
P.S. For those of you that subscribed to me on MySpace you can subscribe to me here as well….I think you use the “follow blog” button at the top of your screen!
Ya have my wrong link
I'm over here
Sounds like you've got things under control. Well, under as much control as you can muster...I know that feeling. And feeling the positive attitude will go miles into making everything turn out alright. ;)
Gotcha on my blogroll now. I would make the schpeal about how Wordpress is a way better blogging site than Blogger (it used to crash way too much for my taste) but whatever.
If you'd like...I can ask DC for the script you can place in your design code to enable you to "announce" a new blog on Facebook. Lemme know.
Tootles! :)
The other Jen
I'm with you, myspace kinda got OLD with all the changes going on.
Congrats on the weightloss too